Wooden grip, left

Wooden grip, left

Sizes XS-XL available. Compatible with models: see below.


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Technical data

  • Left handed grip
  • Form: Convex form for normal hands
  • Angle: 0° lateral turning for a normal hand and head position so that the barrel axis points straight into the arm
  • Volume: Normal volume for normal hands
  • Palm rest: Normal form, for air / sport pistol
  • Type of the wood: Walnut is the classic wood for grips and stocks. Due to the natural material, there may be deviations in brightness and texture.

Please indicate desired size (XS-XL available) and pistol model (for fitting).

Compatible with models

Manufactured by Rink.


Click to open the size chart for wooden grips


Right handed athlete?

See our wooden handle for right-handed:

Wooden grip, right | Ecoaims


Something to fit both hands?

We got you covered:

Wooden grip, ambidextrous | Ecoaims